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Guided Meditation and Journaling Session with Rick Cowley - Sep 28, 2020

Welcome to another Silent Sunrise Session with Rick Cowley to help you find clarity and inspiration for your life!
This one was recorded on the Sunshine Coast of Australia.
All you need is a quiet place to sit, some headphones, a pen and paper.
What is a Silent Sunrise Session?
We start with breathing, then a short guided meditation to reconnect with your Inner Knowing, then a potent question to reveal the answers deep inside of you and capture them on paper.

Why do it?

In daily life the subtle voice of your Inner Knowing is drowned out by the noise and busyness outside of you and inside of you.

You gotta take special time out to find the truth inside of you. And regularly.

Here are the guidelines...

— Best done from 5:30 a.m. – 6:00 a.m.
— Create a sacred work space. Tidy up. Light a candle. Pen and paper ready. Prepare it the night before.
— Beforehand don't check email or messages or social media. Don't talk to anyone either. If you're doing this with other people, don't make eye contact. Stay in your own insular semi-sleepy state.
— Turn off your notifications.
— After you hit "play" on the video you can just close your eyes and listen.
— No need to watch the video. Bring your attention inwards. I'll tell you when to open your eyes and write.
— Also, I suggest using your phone (as opposed to your laptop, because smaller screens are less distracting) with headphones.

*** It's very important that you have no distractions before or during the session. People and messages will hi-jack your thoughts and kick-start your personality. This will make it hard to hear the inspired messages from your Inner Knowing. ***

Feel free to let me know how it goes in the comments.

Lots of love,
Rick Cowley

If you know someone who could use some clarity and inspiration for their best life, use the links below to spread the love. Thanks!
Rick Cowley - Creator of VysionQuest
The VysionQuest is a spiritual adventure to help high achievers at a crossroads to wake up to their true purpose-filled path.
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